Miami, FL Dentist – Brickell Dental – General Dentist

Even the most correct daily dental care does not protect against several dental problems, including the development of serious diseases.
It is impossible to completely remove a plaque with a brush, which becomes a cause for darkening teeth, formates tartar which leads to caries, gum disease, and periodontal diseases.
Dentists recommend getting a professional cleaning at least 1 time in six months for preventing consequences like that. According to statistics, soft plaque turns into hard tartar in 4, 5 to 6 months.When professional tooth cleaning is required?

It will help you keep your teeth healthy which means you can avoid any significant costs for their treatment. This is especially true for those who smoke, prefer soft food, drink a lot of coffee or tea, people with a metabolic disorder.

Besides, professional oral hygiene it is sometimes necessary if a plaque and the stone interfere with the examination and diagnosis.

They may obscure the first signs of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Professional cleaning is a preventative procedure. If you are more interested in aesthetics, the appearance of your teeth, and their whiteness. Then in such case, there is a separate procedure which is called whitening. But a prerequisite for whitening is professional hygiene.

Professional brushing is necessary if you notice that:

  • teeth turned yellow and turned brown
  • A visible plaque formed in the cervical region of the teeth, which cannot be removed with a brush when roughness and unevenness are felt while holding tongue along with the inner surface of the teeth.
  • When gum disease has become more frequent plaque and stone interfere with diagnosis
  • Planned whitening procedure
  • Planned comprehensive treatment (sanitation) of teeth.
  • When it comes to cleaning your teeth, you need to understand that this issue is very individual.

To find out what kind of cleaning you need — call us at (754) — 221-9988, (954) — 534 — 9181