Miami, FL Dentist – Brickell Dental – General Dentist

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown on a tooth

Dental crown is an artificially created visible part of a tooth. All-ceramic, zirconium products are used in dentistry. However, some of the most demanded are metal-ceramic crowns. Their base is made of metal, and the coating is made of ceramics. They are durable, have an aesthetic appearance that is indistinguishable from natural teeth, and at the same time they are distinguished by an affordable cost.

Features of metal-ceramic crowns

The basis of such products can be made from non-precious alloys, gold, titanium. In this case, an excellent option is cermet with a shoulder mass. In case of subsidence of the gums in such a prosthesis, the metal edge will not be exposed. However, this technology is considered more complex and requires special skills from the dental technician.

Reliable, durable cermets are most often used to restore chewing teeth, which bear the bulk of the load during chewing. They are installed when:

  • breaking off, chipping of a tooth;
  • fluorosis;
  • increased abrasion of enamel, dentine;
  • replacement of other crowns;
  • impossibility to restore the shape, function of the tooth with the help of filling;
  • after root canal treatment after pulpitis or periodontitis

The service life of metal-ceramic crowns is on average 10 years, but it can be longer. The term directly depends on the initial condition of the tooth and on how carefully hygiene is observed, how the patient handles the teeth, and the crown itself. If you install a crown on time and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, periodically carry out examinations and practice professional hygiene in the clinic, you can guarantee healthy teeth and a beautiful smile for many years.

In the event of a small chip, restoration with light-curing materials is possible.

Installation steps

  1. Preparation – examination by a doctor, a snapshot to determine the condition of the teeth. If necessary, treatment with canal filling is carried out. Often, multi-rooted teeth are not pulped and remain “alive”. Moreover, if the coronal part is destroyed by more than half, the doctor installs a stump tab to securely fix the future prosthesis.


  1. Grinding one tooth. The doctor forms a ledge so that the crown framework does not come into contact with the gum and does not provoke irritation.
  2. Taking casts, making a structure. A specialist makes a frame from metal, after which ceramics are applied in layers. The product is fired in an oven. Finally, the crown is stained to give the patient a natural shade of tooth enamel. Temporary crowns are temporarily installed, with which you will need to walk for 1-2 weeks.
  3. Fitting. The doctor makes sure that the manufactured crown is functional, looks natural and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
  4. Installation. Dental cement is used for fixation. The crown is ground for a comfortable closing of the jaws.
  5. Obtaining doctor’s recommendations regarding care, home hygiene, as well as the schedule of examinations, occupational hygiene.

Note that the tooth for the crown is prepared by Brickell Dental Care doctors as carefully as possible. Thanks to the use of modern equipment, doctors do not remove excess tissue, while not missing even the slightest carious lesions. The tooth is sharpened to a minimum. Here at Brickell Dental Care we are using our local dental lab and we can provide the best quality of zirconia crowns, PFM crowns, Zirconia Veneers, Emax Dental Crowns and more. Simply call us at (407) 989-9999 for additional information.