Miami, FL Dentist – Brickell Dental – General Dentist

If you are reading this then you have most likely chipped your tooth and ouch.

Did you know tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in your body? But no matter how resilient and strong is your tooth, chipping part of your tooth or breaking a tooth is a part of a process. So what to do when it happens?

Some of the most common reasons why your tooth may chip are these:

Eating hard foods or opening a beer bottle with your teeth.

Accidents & trauma that include simply falling which has a high possibility chances in everyday life.

Old fillings or Restorations that are not as strong as they used to be, they may break from being worn out of constantly eating and drinking.

 Cavities are bacteria that cause holes and weaken the tooth enamel from the inside which leads to breakage and cracks.

Almost 98% of the time chipping or breaking a tooth does not cause any kind of pain. Guess what? 99% of the time this lead to patients to skip or delay dentist visit. But avoiding the dentist now can lead to bacteria infecting your tooth, causing irreversible damage.

Chewing on the other side of your mouth may lead to even more complicated issues such as locking your jaw.

What about a Cracked tooth?

If you have a cracked tooth, you may not:

  • be aware of it
  • be able to see the crack
  • know of the symptoms associated with it
  • Unlike a chip that breaks off, cracks can be so tiny they barely show up on an x-ray.

Symptoms of a cracked tooth include:

  1. sensitivity to hot and cold
  2. pain with eating or chewing
  3. toothache
  4. bad breath

If you notice any of the symptoms above it’s time to see your dentist immediately.

Procedure for a damaged or chipped tooth

  1. Before you visit Brickell Dental Care:
  2. Use salt water to rinse your mouth to wash away any bacteria
  3. Avoid food and drinks that are hot or cold
  4. Consume over the counter painkillers if required.

Chipped tooth treatment options

Depending on the damage and previous condition of the tooth, treatment will vary and may include:

Fillings: If the tooth hasn’t any previous breakage and only minor damage, your dentist might be able use a small filling to repair it. In this case, the tooth can be fixed on the spot.

Dental Veneer: For chipped front teeth, a porcelain veneer is an option (usually made of composite material or porcelain).

Dental crown: A dental crown may be required if the chewing surface or previous filling of the tooth has damage and it is too big for a filling.  Depending on your situation you will be able to proceed with your dental crown treatment same day.

Root Canal Therapy: For severely damaged teeth, root canal treatment might be required. This treatment requires cleaning the infected tissue from inside the tooth and removing the damaged part. The tooth roots are then filled and a dental crown placed over the tooth to make it strong again. Root canal procedures save the tooth but make it fragile, it is important to cover it with a dental crown.

Tooth Removal: In severe cases, tooth removal may be the only option. The missing tooth is replaced with dental implants or a dental bridge.  But don’t panic, this is a worst-case scenario and first, we do all we can to save the tooth!

How much will it cost?

Costs will vary depending on the level of tooth damage and the treatment required. Your dentist will be able to provide an assessment to determine the state of your tooth and a recommended treatment. You may be able to access finance options that offer 24 months 0% APR.  Call us today at (786) 502-4131 to schedule your appointment.