Every person, during his life, faced the need to restore the dentition. Which happens due to the loss of a tooth or several teeth.Incomplete dentition gives discomfort during the meal. Moreover, the pressure on the adjacent teeth increases significantly, which can commence biting deformation.Onward, the absence of teeth becomes an aesthetic problem and even complicates your interaction with people.
There are several approaches for the full dentition recovery of the teeth, amid which you can find both traditional medical method and the latest achievements of the modern dentistry.
Implantation is the most advanced technology of the loss of teeth.
So what is an implant?
The implant is a small screw made of titanium alloy. It is installed exactly in the area where the root of the tooth was previously located to perform the function of an “artificial root”.
Implantation can be also a planned operation.
If you already have a tooth removed and have experience in using removable denture, or you are not satisfied with the fixation of the denture, that is discomfort while interacting with friends, relatives or even have an unpleasant time when eating due to inadequate fixation.
In case If you do not have enough taste sensation or just want to reduce the volume of your denture, we offer planned implantation.
However, if your tooth is completely broken and if it seems impossible to save the root, then we have a special offer called express implantation.
The benefit of the express-implantation.
Express implantation gives you an opportunity to combine two operations in one. Unlike the classical implantation, tooth extraction + implantation, express implantation held for only one doctor visit.
The implant can be placed in the hole immediately after the tooth is removed (the operation takes 15 to 30 minutes)
Express implantation is less traumatic to the tooth. ( tooth extraction and implant placement can be taken under one anesthesia only!) It is also important to note that gum incision is not required.
Helps to maintain the health of adjacent teeth.
Most importantly, simultaneous implantation reduces the time of treatment. In fact, it takes only 3 months from the time of tooth extraction to full recovery.
Our clinic is equipped with a high-quality medical system and controlled by a sterilization system. Thus, in our clinics, there are all conditions for carrying out high-quality express implantation!
Why Implantation?
A new tooth without preparation adjacent teeth.
Ability to refuse removable dentures even in the teeth absence.
Perfect aesthetics-implant looks like a real tooth.
Comfort and convenience:maximum taste preservation, unlike removable dentures.
Fully trustable fixation — will not fall out when chatting or eating.
Ease of hygiene — no need to remove and care as for removable dentures.
Implantation — the most reliable and durable method of prosthetics!
Dental implantation is a complex, high-tech process. It requires a doctor’s professionalism and impeccable quality from materials. Health can only be trusted by true professionals. We employ the most experienced implant surgeon Dr, Eric Schuetz, who loves his work and reverently treats his patients. Dr.Eric has accumulated serious experiences in dental implantation and in oral surgery, while constantly increasing its knowledge.
Even if implantation does not take only one phase, eventually, it provides a natural and attractive look for the tooth. They even grow to the jaw due to the bone tissue contained in it which prevents bone atrophy.
Temporary dentures can be easily attached to such teeth. And cope with the task as good as natural teeth. Implantation of teeth allows you to restore a naturally beautiful smile even where there has not yet been a single tooth. In our clinic of Affordable Dentistry of South Florida, we use implants only from the American manufacturer. This significantly reduces the risk of implant rejection. The problem does not occur at all with proper preparation and follow-up.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can schedule a free implant consultation at 954-534-9181